Monday, July 12, 2010

Review feed back- Jyothsna

Review Meeting for Nilisha Khanna 8/7/10
Panel Ramanna, Vijay, Jyothsna
Nilisha has thought through the storyline very carefully and has story boarded it but she needs to rethink it in the light of this meeting.
• Meet Jaishri Iyer to understand issue of loss and understand the dilemmas associated with not having tangible evidence of the death of a loved one
• Ask Jaishri for suggested reading(s) on the issue- look up accounts of loss and waiting on blogs of pilots’ wives, army wives
• Contact War widow’s association to get written accounts
• If you consider doing interviews with people who have lost someone be extremely careful of ethical, emotional issues with asking people to recount stories of loss.
• This subject has been done in films and on television before – consider the how your telling will be different. Avoid making it gimmicky/clichéd as the subject is a very sensitive one
• Explore the concept of ‘viraha’ (loss, grief) in classical dance
• Dialogues currently don’t sound authentic so avoid entering areas which you are not familiar with. Emotional dramas in a family can take many forms and these need to be authentically represented.
Final jury will ask for how well this project has been executed and how the learning on animation has been demonstrated.
Questions to consider:
What is going on for this woman? What does it feel like to be in her shoes? That needs to be clear in the film.
For the audience to feel something of what the film you need to be sensitive to the issue and each frame should reflect the feelings of the woman.
We’d like to see and 3 to 4 page ‘journal’ based on your research into the issue (12/07/10) and a script by 15/07/10. End of July final animatics with sound need to be ready.
Films to see: Roja, Kala Pani, Someersby. See these films not from the point of view getting ideas for your own film but to understand how various directors treat this subject differently.

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